6 Battle for The Galaxy Tips and Tricks for Beginners

battle for the galaxy tips and tricks

A strategy game is one of the most popular game genres, especially on mobile devices. The likes of Clash of Clans, Clash of Lords, Boom Beach, and the others have dominated the game market in the recent years. And there is one good strategy game besides of them. It is Battle for The Galaxy. I’m sure some of you have played this game or maybe you just want to start playing it. So today, you can check out some of Battle for The Galaxy tips and tricks below. These tips will be helpful especially for the beginners.

Battle for The Galaxy Tips and Tricks

Prioritize Your Resources First

In a game like this, you need to make a base in which there are some defense and production buildings in it. So, before you build the other buildings, make sure that you build the production buildings first. It is the same when you are about upgrading things. If the production buildings can be upgraded, you should make it your priority. Then, it would be easier for to upgrade the others.

Never Upgrade the Defensive Buildings at the Same Time

In my second Battle for the Galaxy tips, I will tell you about the defensive buildings. You need to pay attention while upgrading your defensive buildings. If you want to upgrade it, make sure not to upgrade so many of it. If you upgrade too many of your defensive buildings, you will have a bigger risk to be destroyed by the attacker easily. So, just level up two of them or maybe three if you really want to level up them faster.

Plan Your Upgrade

You need to make a plan before you upgrade something, especially since you still at the beginning of the game. In the beginning, the upgrade will not take so much time. They just need a few minute to finish it. So, if you don’t want to waste so much time in order to make a progress in this game, you have to make a plan. If you want to leave the game for a quite long time, make sure you upgrade the buildings which have the longer time than the others. So, when the upgrade just takes five until ten minutes, we can wait for it while playing the game. Doing this way will help you to progress faster than you leave the game without upgrading something.

Attack Regularly

In this game, you cannot just count on your resources. It won’t help you a lot actually because it will take a long time until you can upgrade the buildings. That’s why you need to steal the resources from the other players. So, you have to launch an attack as many as you can so you can have a lot of resources.

Make Everything Reach Its Max Level

Before you upgrade your headquarters, you need to upgrade all of your buildings until they have reached their max level. If you do this, then, your base will be ready to face the better players in the next level headquarters. If you upgrade the HQ straightly without having a good base, you will get beaten easily.

Use This Generator

Before I end the tips Battle for the Galaxy, I will give you the way to get more Crystals. Try this Battle for the Galaxy Hack so you can get a lot of Crystals. As we know that this thing is really useful in order to fasten up your upgrade and but some exclusive items. So, don’t hesitate to try it if you want to get the free Crystals.

I’m sure now you have known about the basic things that you should do as a beginner. So, just follow all of the Battle for The Galaxy tips and tricks that I have given above. Then, let’s have a nice game.


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