– How to cure cancer is a question that health professionals around the world have been debating for decades. People have been searching for the keys to making the process of healing faster, more effective, and less painful. Although there is no “cure” for cancer, there are things you can do to slow down its progression and increase your chances of surviving the disease.
Removing the Tumor

How to cure cancer by attacking the tumor head-on? The approach most doctors take is to try and cure the tumor by removing it. This is not how to cure cancer, as most cancers have resistance to traditional methods and have a tendency to come back. There is only one way of removing tumors: by killing the cells themselves. If you cannot kill the tumor cells, you will not be able to cure the disease!
Using Precision Medicine

Oncology experts have discovered that there is only one way to remove cancer from the human body: using precision medicine. Although there is no cure for cancer, with this new knowledge, scientists and physicians are able to attack the disease at its source. Using this method, they are able to shrink tumors, kill off cancer cells, starving them, and even eliminate them together.
How to cure cancer with precision medicine involves surgically removing the tumor and using microsurgery to selectively target a small area of the tumor. This technique helps to cut off the blood supply to the tumor, which then causes the cancer cells to die. When the tumor dies, it naturally dies within four days. The microsurgery also seals up the wound.
The Type Cancer That Have Been Assaulting Women

Two new cancers that have been plaguing women across the United States have prompted scientists to find out how to cure cancer. One is lung cancer; the other is breast cancer. These two cancers affect millions of women each year, and each one affects a completely different part of the body. Breast cancer kills more women than any other type of cancer, and lung cancer is responsible for the death of over six women every day. Although no new methods have been found to treat either cancer yet, some promising research has been done.
How To Cure Cancer

In order to discover how to cure cancer, scientists need to learn how to identify the mutations that are responsible for these cancers. Mutations are changes in DNA or RNA that cause cells to grow abnormally. Once these mutations are found, then these treatments can be administered to help combat the tumors.
As the most common form of cancer in children, pediatric oncology is a very complex area. Children with childhood tumors are often treated using radiation, chemotherapy, and bone marrow transplant. In rare cases, these treatments can be ineffective. However, when the tumors are diagnosed early enough, doctors are able to use radiation and chemotherapy to target only the cancerous cells without harming healthy cells around the tumor.
How to cure cancer has become a question that scientists have sought an answer to for over 100 years. Advances in precision medicine have led to many promising answers. These answers are likely to involve using genetics in combination with precision drug therapies. Genomics is the study of hereditary coding; precision medicine refers to using precise measurements of the DNA code to prescribe the right drugs to fight cancer. As we move closer to solving the mystery of how to cure cancer, there will surely be many new advances in this area of medicine.

Cancer researchers have developed a technique that utilizes what is called “functional imaging”. This technique uses computer-generated images to locate cancer cell locations. After locating the location of the tumor, the doctors then administer the appropriate drug therapy. Although this method has not yet shown evidence of effectiveness in curing tumors, it is still being researched.
Another way how to cure cancer involves administering targeted therapy. Targeted therapy is designed to kill cancer cells on a cellular level. Although this process has not been proven to work on a large scale, it is promising because it seems that targeting only the tumor produces the best results.
Cancer immunotherapy is another answer on how to cure cancer. Cancer immunotherapy is designed to bolster the immune system so that it can better fight against cancer cells. This process is generally used along with targeted therapy. Although there is no clear evidence that this process works on all types of cancers, millions of people who have cancer now have at least some degree of good health because they have taken part in some form of cancer immunotherapy.