Simple Home Remedies For Wrist Tendonitis Pain


KevinDailyStory.comIf you suffer from wrist pain, your best bet is to see a doctor. The symptoms of this condition are similar to several other conditions, but they each respond differently to treatment. You should describe your symptoms to your doctor and ask about possible diagnoses and treatment plans. Alternatively, you can try simple home remedies to ease your pain. Here are a few suggestions:

A physical examination is necessary to determine if you have tendonitis

Inflammation of the wrist tendons is a common ailment. The six tendons that surround the wrist joint slide in a sheath filled with synovial fluid. However, due to overuse or repetitive movements, the sheath becomes thick, limiting movement. A physical examination is necessary to determine if you have tendonitis. The condition can be caused by a medical condition, an injury, or overuse.

Your healthcare provider will determine the treatment plan based on several factors. The primary goal of treatment is to limit further irritation and provide rest. NSAIDs may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Depending on your condition, your doctor may prescribe hand therapy that involves strengthening exercises and stretching. Electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and splints can also be used to help relieve your symptoms. Lastly, your healthcare provider may prescribe a cortisone injection. Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can be dangerous if it is used in excess.

Acute tendon injuries, arthritis or diabetes are all possible causes of tendonitis

There are several possible causes for wrist tendonitis, but the primary cause is repetitive motion. Acute tendon injury, arthritis, or diabetes are all possible reasons for tendonitis. If the pain is accompanied by swelling and tenderness, the tendon can be inflamed, leading to discomfort and even inflammation. The symptoms of this condition are similar, so you should seek medical attention. If you suspect wrist tendonitis, don’t delay seeking treatment.

Symptoms of wrist tendonitis may be difficult to pin-point, but a healthcare provider can make a diagnosis based on your symptoms and any history of injury. Sometimes, imaging may be necessary to rule out other conditions, such as fractures or arthritis. Ultrasounds or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can reveal a fluid-filled sac around an aggravated tendon. The doctor will also recommend physical therapy if necessary.

While wrist tendonitis can be hard to diagnose at an early stage, the pain often worsens as the joint moves. Symptoms include a dull ache or stabbing pain in the wrist, ranging from fingers to elbows. If you are active and frequently move your wrist, you may experience numbness or tingling in your fingers, especially during activities that require a large amount of strength.

A surgeon may use a small surgical loupe to view the inflamed area

Surgical procedures for wrist tendonitis include surgery. An arthroscopy involves a small incision near the affected tendon. A surgeon can use a tiny surgical loupe to view the inflamed area. They can repair damaged tendons and remove any scar tissue. These procedures are generally faster and require less recovery time than other treatments. If the condition is severe, more than one set of injections may be required.

Multiple non-surgical treatments

If your symptoms are accompanied by swelling, a wrist surgery may be recommended. If the symptoms persist, the doctor may prescribe steroid injections to relieve the pressure on the tendon sheaths. Non-surgical treatment may include NSAIDs, physical therapy, or steroid injections. You should also modify any activities that aggravate your wrist pain and avoid using medications that mask symptoms. The physician may also suggest physical therapy and/or other treatments, including acupuncture.

Herbal supplements such as turmeric and ginger may help you manage your pain. Turmeric, ginger, glucosamine, and chondroitin are all effective natural remedies for wrist pain. Herbal supplements have the added benefits of soothing and reducing inflammation in the affected area. It’s not the right cure for wrist pain, but it’s an effective way to deal with your symptoms and manage your condition. So, if you’re a victim of wrist tendonitis pain, read on to learn more.


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