The Goods And The Bads Of Social Media, Find Out Here!

the goods and the bads of social media

Today, on kevindailystory, I would like to share about the goods and the bads of social media. Firstly, do you know what is social media? I will explain a little about it if you don’t know or never use social media before. Social Media is a place to meet some new people and find some new friends. Here, you can share everything that you want to, like your photos, videos and etc. You can also have a chat with your friends. And there are some social media that everyone already knows like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and much more.

There are so many good things that you can do and get from social media. But, unfortunately, besides of the good of social media, there are some bad things that can appear. We all know that everything always has advantages and disadvantages, right? That’s why I will give you the information about it. Let’s check it out, guys.

The Goods And The Bads Of Social Media

Now, before I started, I would like to discuss the advantages first. Below here, I have some of the advantages that you can get when you use social media.

The Advantages Of Social Media.

1. To Get Some New Friends. By using social media you can get some new friends from around the world. Here, you can interact with different people from different country. If you don’t have too many friends, you can find them here and we are sure that you will get some friends.

2. Chat and Voice Call. Technology is improving in every single day. And you can see it from the social media where you can have a chat by texting someone or you can call your relatives by using voice call. You don’t need your smartphone to do all of it because you can do it in social media.

3. To get information. In social media, you can find a lot of information that comes from around the world start from the news, entertainment and still much more. You can know everything which happens on the other side of the world in a very short time. It is easier to find an information here.

4. As A Place To Promote Something. If you have a business like selling clothes and etc, you can promote it in social media. Here is the best place to promote your commodity when you don’t have a place to promote it.

5. As A Place To Gain Knowledge. If you want to increase your knowledge about something, you can get it here by sharing what you know or about what you don’t know with other people. You can learn everything from social media.

After we discuss the advantages, we also have to discuss the disadvantages of using a social media, right? So, here are some of the disadvantages that you can find or get if you use social media.

The Disadvantages Of Social Media

1. Abused. There are so many people who abuse the social media to get a profit for themselves. We can see that some people use social media as a means to deceive people. Sometimes, it can be a place to insult other people and there is still so many negative actions that we can find.

2. Forgetting The Time. When we are socializing in social media, we often lose track of time. Unconsciously, we play the social media for hours and still won’t stop.

3. Forget With The People Around. Actually, social media isn’t that good for us because it makes us forgetting the people around and just focussing on the people in social media.

Those are the goods and the bads of social media that I can share with you for today. I hope that this information may be useful for you. And don’t forget to share this information with your friends. Just visit kevindailystory, if you want to find out some information or maybe some tips. Okay then, I think that’s all and see you in my next article.


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